Simon Wamu
Bold Question What if all children gained proficiency in basic math and reading skills by the time they complete grade three?
Pathway to metis: Growing up in rural Kenya, I experienced first-hand how difficult it was to access the basic needs including food, shelter and education due to extreme poverty. I lost count of the times I missed school for lack of fees to engage in menial jobs in the village to sustain me in school. In spite of this, I was lucky to get education. Education literally saved me. Many children like me never got education and even today millions of children’s dreams are being sacrificed at the altar of environments they find themselves in without the benefit of an option.
My moment of obligation stemmed from my personal reflection of my life and the realization that access to quality education was the surest tool to end the chronic cycle of poverty and marginalization in families. Providing safe spaces for the many poor children who were systematically being excluded from accessing quality education became my mission. This is not just what I do, it’s who I am.
For the past eight years, I have founded a vocational college, two low-cost primary schools and a volunteer-driven Non-governmental Organization. Through these institutions, I have supported needy students continue their education through scholarships and helped thousands of poor children improve their learning outcomes through access to affordable quality education. As the Founder and CEO of the NGO, I have advocated for the early acquisition of basic numeracy and literacy skills for children that lag to strongly ground their further learning.
As an advocate for the Global Schools (GS) Program, I have passionately promoted the achievement of SDGs by empowering educators, schools, learners and the community with SDG knowledge to contribute in creating a sustainable planet. My creativity, commitment and exceptional SDG integration plans for learners in Kenya earned me the Global Schools Advocate of the Month Award. Furthermore, and a nomination for a United Nations Case-study publication.
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